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Although they are quite popular now, waistbeads have been used by women for centuries. African women have traditionally worn waistbeads as a symbol of femininity and prosperity. They are also worn as symbols of fertility, protection and spirituality. 


Waistbeads are also commonly worn by women in West Africa as a way to measure weight; when the beads roll up, you are gaining weight, when they move lower down on the abdomen, the woman may be losing weight.


When we add crystals and other elements, waistbeads can be used as tools that help us manifest our dreams and desires. Each crystal vibrates, or resonates, at a certain frequency, which allows the crystal to bring the body naturally back into harmony when it is out of balance.


Our ancestors valued crystals for their magical and spiritual powers. Throughout history, leaders have worn rings and crowns set with precious gems. Shamans and healers from many cultures have used crystal amulets and medicine with crystals for healing and protection. More recently, there has been a resurgence in the use of and interest in crystals.


Your custom waistbeads are created in love, imbued with words of power, or affirmations, as well as the intentions of the wearer. The crystals that will be used in your custom order are selected to align with the your intention(s).

To place your order: 

    • Decide where you want your waistbeads to fall on your abdomen (see picture).
    • Measure the area on your abdomen using a measuring tape and include it in the order section.
    • Indicate your favorite color(s) for your waistbeads.
    • Select your intention.
    • Place your order.


    Custom Waistbeads

    • All clasps and chain are sterling silver and the string is nylon coated stainless steel. making it very strong. The colorful seed beads, or the tiny beads, are glass. The crystals are cleansed and charged as well as ethically sourced.

      Your waistbeads may be removed for bathing, if you desire. Please be mindful of them as you are remving your clothing as they are  not indestructible.

    © 2024 Vena Crichlow

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